Use this form to submit personal information you'd like posted on the classmates pages of the class web site.  Please allow a couple of days for it to be ported.  Once posted if you want to revise or delete, just complete the form again, or e-mail our web masters.
Bethlehem Central High School Class of '63
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Upcoming Events
Use this form to submit personal information you'd like posted on the classmates pages of the class web site.  Please allow a couple of days for it to be ported.  Once posted if you want to revise or delete, just complete the form again, or e-mail our web masters.
Current Last Name:
Last Name Upon Graduation:
First Name and M. I.:
Current Street or P O Box:
E-mail Address:
Telephone No.:
Clicking the "Submit" button will forward the information to the class webmaster in an e-mail.
Current activities (employment? )
Any additional comments?
These fields take up to 100 charac-
Return to home page
Upcoming Events
Use this form to submit personal information you'd like posted on the classmates pages of the class web site.  Please allow a couple of days for it to be ported.  Once posted if you want to revise or delete, just complete the form again, or e-mail our web masters.
Check here if you'd like your picture from the year book to acompany your information.
If you checked the above box, would you like to submit a recent picture for comparison?